Connecting the World to Indonesia
And Empowering Indonesia with the World Leading IT solution and services
SBN combines expertise in network and communications, internet of things, and IT outsourcing services and on to provide enterprises integrated operations control, real time performance analytics, advanced networks and data logistics cloud across billions of sensors, cameras, devices and controllers globally through transport acceleration; and to gain insights and drive proactive actions on their assets optimisation and resource management.
Server & Storage
We ensure you the highest level of professional service and technical support, we strongly recommend purchasing exclusively of your server and storage from our trusted brand partner that we provide, such as
• Supermicro
• Quanta Cloud Technology
• HP
Centralized control of your network infrastructure for routing, switching, and security devices across physical and virtual infrastructures. We will support you to create a high level of network architecture with a trusted device such as,
Juniper •
Pumpkin Network •
Cisco •
We worked with technologies that success for utilizing patented smart antenna technology, as well as a cloud-based management system called AltaiCare, the Altai Super WiFi Solution is designed from the ground up to deliver WiFi networks that have unprecedented performance, reliability, scalability and manageability for indoor / outdoor environment
• Attai
IOT Products
IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. We will help you to make your data management more efficient and accessible from everywhere. “We do partnership with good company to give you best service such as”
Solution & Services
Content Delivery Networks, or CDNs, are like many strategic tools: easy to learn and benefit from, but difficult to master and get the most out of. Like doing business online, using a CDN involves layers of complexity; and CDN providers spend every moment of every day dealing with some of the most complex technical challenges of doing business online. The challenges met by deploying a global CDN include delivery of enterprise web applications, media and software delivery, and cloud security solutions.
Whether you are running applications that share photos to millions of mobile users or you’re supporting the critical operations of your business, a cloud services platform provides rapid access to flexible and low cost IT resources. With cloud computing, you don’t need to make large upfront investments in hardware and spend a lot of time on the heavy lifting of managing that hardware. We Provide some of Cloud Service Provider that you need.
We can help you built any kind of application and software solution. Either for mobileOS or web base application.
A Data Center is a centralized repository, either physical or virtual, for the storage, management, and dissemination of data and information organized around a particular body of knowledge or pertaining to a particular business. We provides independent and unbiased end-to-end Data Center Solutions to service providers in addressing their various technical, operational and business needs
We focuses on access control, for networks, mobile and cloud to allow you to protect your data efficiently, effectively and without complexity. It achieves this through differentiating itself in the market by:
IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. We will help you to make your data management more efficient and accessible from everywhere. Partnership with Skylab, we worked for manage many different area of industry like Smart Manufacture, Smart Utilities, Smart Transportation, and Smart City.